22-26 JULY 2019

The use of “GREEN” chemicals and bio-fuels can make countries less dependent on fossil energy imports, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and simulate local economies. Young people, through start-up companies, may play an important role in overcoming barrier and refining the expectations generated by this “green” revolution.
It is the goal of this Summer School to integrate the most interesting and emerging topics within the green chemistry and sustainable energy into an economic contest and show how these potential new technologies may become a source of business.
The format of the event, with the help of scientist from academic research, engineers from industry and entrepreneurs, is such to define a complete path from idea generation and testing, preparation of research projects grant, recognition of a business plan to raise funds and to move to an industrial phase.
Graduate students, post-doc and young engineers are encouraged to participate and to interact closely with the staff throughout brainstorming and problem-solving sessions.

- Registration is closed
- Info regarding accepted short orals and poster in given at this link

Everyone can produce a good and winning idea… partecipants to the school are invited either through an oral presentation or posters to present their work…Based on such works, the school will pick up 2-3 subjects which are going to be further developed during the School with the help with a mentor to build a sort of business case. On Friday there will be a formal presentation of such activity and NextChem will decide in case to properly fund this project into a next development phase….

A SINCHEM (EU joint Doctoral School in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry) event

- The annual meeting of SINCHEM joint Doctorate in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry will be held on the same place of the School on Sunday 21th July, 2019, while this Summer School will be part of the planned activities for SINCHEM students.
- SINCHEM Meeting in Sarteano: starts at 14.30 of Sunday 21th July the students examination in a room at the Teatro comunale. In the evening, the SINCHEM Social Dinner is organizing , the invitation is for SINCHEM students and professors only. Confirmation should be given to Stefania Albonetti <>, inluding for eventually dietary rstrictions.
- The PhD researchers of the 5° cohort have to submit a detailed report (≈ 30 pages, see the report template at the Sinchem web site) on their activity. Please, send the Report to the SINCHEM secretariat within the JULY 17th 2019.