ERIC for
ERIC activities involve both private and public research projects, including various European projects.

ERIC operates either directly through its own personnel or through its members, where the research activities are carried out in virtue of an agreement between ERIC a.i.s.b.l. and that Institution.
ERIC activities cover research, educational, and training, management and coordination, IPR and other legal aspects, dissemination and promotional activities for its members, for companies and for catalysis community. It acts also as single voice to promote catalysis and represent related interest in international bodies or associations.
Since its foundation, ERIC activities have been mainly focussed on the participation to European projects through partnerships or coordination and this has been a very successful activity with an amount of over 44 million Euro awarded for the whole projects.

ERIC actively participates in shaping the EU policies on Catalysis and is actively involved in the European Cluster on Catalysis, promoted by the European Commission (RTD/ Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Unit).

Prof. Gabriele Centi, ERIC President, is the Scientific Advisor of the cluster, and one of the main contributors to a main activity of the cluster: the preparation of the
This roadmap has been published by ERIC in October 2016 (ISBN 979-12-200-1453-3) and printed with the contribution of SusChem (The European Technology Platform for a Sustainable Chemistry) for an hard-copy distribution to relevant science financing institutions and to companies.