ERIC at a glance
ERIC mission is to promote the activities in the area of catalysis and related aspects, in particular sustainable processes and energy, by:
- facilitating the advancement of catalysis science and technology through projects and collaborations,
- strenghtening academia and companies interactions,
- bridging the gap between fundamental and applied research, and from idea to innovation, through an integrated approach and by developing both R&D activities and a long-term vision and roadmap
- increasing visibility at international level
- promoting catalysis interests (of members, associated companies, community) to international, governamental and funding agencies
- acting as a single voice for catalysis in relevant associations and international collaborations
- promoting international educational and training activities

The principal objectives of ERIC are to:
- realize a stronger interaction between universities and other research institutions, companies, business incubators, support service networks, public authorities and SMEs.
- identify the needs, technological level, foreseen benefits of potential users
- enhance networking and the exchange of equipments and best practice across members.
- promote the latest development in catalytic materials and technologies, and to stimulate the commercial exploitation of new ideas and solutions.
- offer an integrated support mechanism to foster innovation in the field of catalytic materials and technologies.
- identify skills gap and training needs
- disseminate funding opportunities for R&D projects and start-up developments
- encourage spin-out and supply chain development across Europe
- create cross technology collaborations within the sector

Purpose and Activities
The purpose of the Association is to provide services to its members, companies and other Institutions in the field of catalysis.
The prime operational tasks of the Association are the following:
- attract research funds, accept and distribute these funds between the members in order to implement research activities
- facilitate the organisation and the administration of research funds and programs.