ERIC at a glance
There are three level of ERIC Partnership:
- Founding Members – Those institutions, partner of the IDECAT NoE (Network of Excellence), which took part to the incorporation in front of the Notary on the 13/11/2008;
- Full Members – Institutions, Research centers, Companies, Associations or Agencies which asked, at a later moment, to be members of ERIC and which have been accepted by the vote of the ERIC General Assembly; Both Founding and Full Members are referred to as “Ordinary Members”
- Associate Members. Companies, Institutions, Agencies, Associations or Individuals that are interested to follow ERIC activities but do not wish to be involved directly in them. It may include sponsors which like to promote catalysis activities. Associated members are also classified the Institutions which have signed a Framework Agreement (still operative) of collaboration with ERIC. This includes MPG (Max Planck Society, Germany), CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France) and CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain).

General Assembly
ERIC’s governing body is the General Assembly, which is formed by all Ordinary Members and its decision are taken, in most cases, by simple majority, under the principle of “one head, one vote”.
The General Assembly’s decisions, are binding for all Members including those absent or dissenting.
The General Assembly is convened at least once a year and have exclusive competence for a number of item among which:
The General Assembly shall have exclusive competence (among others) to:
- amend ERIC Statute;
- admit and exclude members;
- appoint and revoke the members of the Board of Directors;
- approve the accounts and balance, including the sources of
- financing;
- set the additional contribution due by the Ordinary and Associated Members for quite important specific projects.

Board of Directors
The Association is managed by the Board of Directors composed by not less than three (3) persons, who must be representatives of the Full Members. They are appointed by the General Assembly and can be revoked, at any time, by the same General Assembly.
The President (or Chairperson) is appointed
The Board of Directors is convened at least twice a year by its President or every time he/she believes it is necessary.
The Board of Directors is vested with the widest powers for the management of the Association in the limits of its purpose.
All decisions, which are not reserved to the General Assembly, fall in the competence of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall act in the best interest of the Association and its Members.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The Board of Directors may, under its own responsibility, delegate the daily management or a part of its powers to a physical person; it shall define the extension of his/her powers, the way to exercise them, the duration of the granted mandate and his/her remuneration.
The person, whom the management powers are granted to, is called “Chief Executive Officer” (CEO).
The CEO appoints and revokes all the employee and the members of the personnel of the Association and fix their functions, treatment and emoluments.
The CEO, cannot be the representative of a Full Member of the Association.