
ERIC partecipates at the EU GREEN WEEK 2021 PARTNER EVENT "Towards Zero Pollution in the Production of Green Fuels and Chemicals" June 4th 2021, 10:00 - 12:35 CEST, with two contributions given by
- G. Centi, coordinator of DECADE project,
- S. Perathoner, coordinator of OCEAN project.
Download the webinary poster
SUNCOCHEM WEBINAR - Photocatalytic synthesis for a carbon-neutral production of fuels and chemicals
on-line, April 28th – 15.00 – 17.00 CEST

G Centi, ERIC aisbl President, is part of the Board of SUNERGY, and actively contributes to
- Advocacy
- Funding Opportunities and Preparation of new proposals
- Strategic R&I Agenda
G. Centi represented also SUNERGY at the recent Electrocatalyss Summit (April 14th, 2021)

G. Centi, ERIC aisbl President, one of the invited speakers at the workshop "Decarbonising European industry: hydrogen and other solutions" to present the status on "Close the carbon cycle through substitution of fossil fuels". The workshop has been organized by STOA (Panel for the Future of Science and Technology) of the European Parliament.
Download the Participants’ booklet

Industrial Technologies 2018 conference
Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, Messeplatz 1, 1021 Vienna, Austria
29-31 October 2018
May 18th, 2017

In ERIC Aisbl laboratories at UdR Univ. Messina, school students approach to nanocatalysts for CO2 reduction to added value additives, as part of RECODE EU project dissemination activities.

May 29, 2018

School students learn about oxalic acid reduction to ethylene glycol, as part of the dissemination activities of the EU Ocean project (H2020), coordinated by ERIC.

Gabriele Centi, President of ERIC aisbl and honorary professor at Tianjin University of Science & Technology (China), held a plenary conference at the 2n Forum on Clean Energy in Dalian (China) from 24 to 25 August 2018. This event, among the main events in China on the issue of clean energy, and which was broadcast by 26,000 politicians, managers, engineers and researchers in the area, aims to explore the new directions for future energy in China, from an international perspective.
The conference of prof. Centi has focused on the possibilities for a chemical and energy that does not use fossil fuels to mitigate climate change, an issue that today sees China at the forefront of the new strategic development plan. For this reason, the considerable attention to these aspects on the political-managerial, as well as technical level. The opportunity was a significant possibility for the ERIC aisbl to strengthen its visibility and international role and relations with China, with benefits for scientific and project relationships of the ERIC members.