General Guidelines
The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right.
The principles and rules on the protection of their personal data should respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular their right to the protection of personal data.
In this respect, following the application of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), this privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally Identifiable Information' (PII) is being used online. PII is an information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Information is regarded as personal when it tells something about a human being who is or can be (uniquely) identified. This means, for example, that not just names and e-mail addresses can be personal information, but also numbers or other identifiers, such as your IP-address, to the extent that they link other information to a specific human being.
For further information, you can download the full text of the Regulations in the link “Legislation” containing the relevant page of the Official Journal of the European Union.
Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we comply with current legislation.
Your privacy is very important to us, which is why we make sure you are always in control of what we do with your personal information.
For this reason, we have designed the web site with the following features:
1. WE DO NOT record and store in our web site IP addresses;
2. WE DO NOT collect personal information about our visitors;
3. WE AVOID to use and store cookies (technical. proliferation);
4. WE DO NOT include or offer third-party products or services on our website;
5. WE AVOID to use of any internal or external recording of statistical data on who is accessing our web site;
6. WE AVOID to use search engines;
7. WE AVOID the use of regular or sponsored search results;
8. WE DO NOT ask for personal or private information like names, email addresses, or credit card numbers;
9. WE AVOID to use Google AdSense or similar.
As a consequence, we do NOT have intrinsically the possibility to share personal information with any third party, neither that information can be hacked.
However, after clicking on an external link, you leave the protection offered by ERIC web site, unless you use our unique proxy function to protect your identity.
Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below.
Rond Point Robert Schuman,14
Brussels, B-1040

ERIC Privacy Policy
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects European Union data subjects' fundamental right to privacy and the protection of personal data. It introduces robust requirements that will raise and harmonize standards for data protection, security, and compliance.
ERIC complies with this Regulation by informing all its personnel, researchers and meeting participants on how their details will be treated and, more in particular:
Researchers/Personnel/Applicants/Meeting Participants control their customer content.
With ERIC, all users or beneficiaries :
- Determine if their personal content will be stored, including the type of storage;
- ERIC Web Site is a Cookies-Free site. We do not store cookies, both local and for third parties and we comply with the EU Cookie Law.
ERIC delivers services to several sectors, including enterprises, educational institutions and European Institutions as well as governmental agencies in many countries. Our users include Universities, SME’s and Large Companies, governmental agencies, students and researchers who trust us with some of their information.
We are well aware that is vital to conscientiously treat privacy and data security. That’s why ERIC does not store information through its Web Site and, thus, this prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of your content both in transit and at rest.
Maintaining researchers’ trust is an ongoing commitment. We strive to inform you of our privacy and data security policies, practices, and technologies we’ve put in place.
These commitments include:
Ownership and Control of customer content:
- Access: As a user, you manage access to your content and user access to projects website, where ERIC is Coordinator or Responsible for the Management and Dissemination of the Project. We do not access or use your content for any purpose without your consent. We never use your content or derive information from it for marketing or advertising.
- Storage: We do not move or replicate your content without your consent.
- Security: Cookies are not stored in all ERIC sites and your access details, in the European projects websites, are encrypted for your content in transit and at rest.
- Disclosure of customer content: We do not disclose personal content unless we’re required to do so to comply with the law, or with a valid and binding order of a governmental or regulatory body. Unless we are prohibited from doing so or there is clear indication of illegal conduct in connection with the use of ERIC’s services, ERIC notifies customers before disclosing customer content so they can seek protection from disclosure.
We define personal information as information about a user that the user provides to us in connection with the creation or administration of a collaboration, a scientific research employment. For example, personal information includes names, usernames, phone numbers, email addresses, and bank details associated with a certain user activity.
As a user, you maintain ownership of your content. ERIC does not access or use your personal information for any purpose without your consent. We never use customer content or derive information from it for marketing or advertising.
As a user/researcher, you control your content.
- You determine if your content will be stored, including the type of storage.
- As an employee, your details related to the contract, personal and bank details are kept physically by the Labour Consultant and the Bank, both of which are complying with the GDPR as well. If you wish to apply for a position, implicitly you give your consent to process your personal data solely for the purpose related to the position you are applying for.
This Document aims to reassure all users/researchers, using the reserved area of the projects websites, where ERIC is Coordinator or Responsible for the Management and Dissemination of the Project, that the collection of these information as well as the mails related to the project that we are sending will be stored in a secure sever only with your consent. We know that you care how account information is used, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly.
We are vigilant about our users' privacy. We do not disclose users’ content unless we're required to do so to comply with the law, or with a valid and binding order of a governmental or regulatory body. Governmental and regulatory bodies need to follow the applicable legal process to obtain valid and binding orders. We review all orders and object to overbroad or otherwise inappropriate ones.
ERIC data centres are built within the web domain provider in Italy and protected therefore.
When evaluating the security of a cloud solution, it is important for you to understand and distinguish between the security of the cloud, and your security in the cloud. Security of the cloud encompasses the security measures that the domain provider implements and operates. We are responsible for security of the cloud and not keeping cookies nor personal information. You are responsible for your security taking all the measures to prevent possible leeches, using a secure password and changing it frequently enough.
Your details are stored in a special register which is not accessible from the web nor from the internet. The information provided in any ERIC Managed Project’s website is stored exclusively in the domain provider’s server and does not include personal details apart name, Surname and an email address.
Last Edited on 2018-05-26